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Return a defective itemUpdated a month ago

If in spite of all our quality controls the shoes you have just received presents a defect at the reception of the parcel, you have the possibility to contact us directly via email at [email protected] to obtain a repair. The defective item will then be sent to our factory, where our teams can repair :

  • Zippers
  • The clasps
  • Seams
  • Minor damages

If the item you have received cannot be repaired, please contact our customer service and we will ensure that your return is made as soon as possible.

Returns with soles damaged during fittings will not be refunded.

Returns with slight traces of fitting/wear (slightly damaged soles, scratched metalwork, etc.) will not be eligible for a full refund, and 20% will be retained to compensate for resale at a lower price due to poor condition. 

Returns that have not been repacked in their original box or that have not been protected by secondary packaging will not be eligible for a full refund and 10% will be retained to cover the cost of changing the packaging.

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